We are,
a few ladies of all ages and we like to wear high-heels; even Boots, Pumps, Mules, Clogs or whatever - "high" and "lady-like" are right... :-)
But we did not like wearing the Shoes only, we like to show it on Picture and Video, too.
This Homepage is a small addition to out two Videochannels on "Youtube": sweetfashionvideo and botasverdesvideo
The team shows on "Youtube" already many small videos and stories with high heels, boots, stockings and much more. In the foreground is the wearing of high -sometimes unusual and exotical- shoes and boots in daily life. The shoes and boots are not only worn for photo + video, they are worn in real life and for a longer period...
If you like our videos on "Youtube", we can offer now an additional service: Most videos have also photo- series , normally 10 - 20 images. If we are able to offer photos in addition to a video , we will indicate this accordingly in our channel. Two of these photos , we will post here on this page , then you can see what is expected as one before (like an "appetizer").
Also, the videos themselves have sometimes two or more parts and we will build them to one longer Video and can still offer - to a damn good price , because it is private.
The price per photo-series are to be 1 - 3 € , additional video as well .
You can order the photo-series quite comfortably by "PayPal", we will send you the photos by email. The videos can also be ordered via "PayPal", because of the big data-size, we will give you a link to Google " Drive" for download. On request we can also burn you a CD/DVD.
Would you like to order more than one photo-series / video at a time, of course there will be a discount.
Simply write to us to: sweetfashions@gmx.de
If you're new to our channel on Youtube , just have a look look!